What we do
International Search & Selection
We advise clients on their leadership needs, conducting senior-level, key specialist and executive search assignments that encompass all aspects of the value chain, while always holding the spirit of partnership in focus.
Our primary activity is to identify and assess outstanding executives and senior managers, as well as key specialists for leadership roles anywhere in the world. Directure offers a truly collaborative approach to executive search that is based on a thorough understanding of the strategic, financial and operational issues our clients face. Our proven processes and comprehensive analyses help to ensure that no stone is left unturned during the search.
We work for a diverse group of select clients — including multinational corporations, entrepreneurial businesses, private equity firms, family owned companies and non-profit organisations — to find the ideal individual who fits their specific requirements.
Defining the real needs of the specific client company and its business
During the initial contact, we deepen relationships with clients through thorough discussions on their aspirations, strategy, and organisational preparedness, as well as capability gaps and the potential of their leaders, managers and specialists.
Based on these meetings, our consultants prepare a Job-/Demand Profile that comprises all essential client company characteristics as well as related performance areas and criteria for the position to be filled, including well defined inclusion and selection criteria and other relevant information. This document is commented on and approved by the client.
Directure’s Engagement & Project Manager will supervise a team of Directure professionals, knowledgeable on the client’s industry and company.

Research in Executive Search
The Directure Research Centre is engaged in every assignment, analysing industries, sectors and communities relevant for the target audience in question, and mapping candidates relevant for the position to be filled. In doing so, we make use of the latest technology and international databases as well as our shared international network for cross-border orientation in its broadest sense.
Professionals at the Directure Research Centre constantly monitor changes in trends, opportunities & demands of different candidate audiences that could have an impact on organisational behaviour, infrastructure and requirements of the People Resource. When appropriate, Direct Search can be complemented by advertising in specially selected printed and electronic media.
Candidate contacts
Candidates are approached by experienced Directure Consultants best prepared to present the opportunity in a compelling way, pinpointing the nuances of the position, introducing each candidate to the specifics of the position and addressing candidate concerns and considerations at an early stage.

Understanding where & what
Selection Interviews
A candidate, who fulfils the prerequisites of the mandate, is interviewed on their professional experiences and achievements, and the organisational characteristics and environments in which they were obtained.
The Directure Consultant can appraise the candidate’s competences and fit to the position in question, and vice versa. Apart from serving the purpose of the individual mandate, Directure’s interview method and approach is highly appreciated by candidates and is regarded as valuable input to individual career management.
Understanding how & who
Many individuals possess similar professional skills and experiences, yet hold significantly varied performance levels and success. This is a further indication of the growing awareness and need for the inclusion of personality assessments before employing Executives, Managers and Specialists.
Final candidates participate in Directure's assessment procedure, which consists of written assessment material and a subsequent in-depth interview with an experienced Directure Consultant, who is trained with assessment competences. All assessments are finalised by thorough feedback given to the individual candidate.The very leverage of Directure’s Assessment procedure is the appraisal of the candidate’s qualifications being converted into an appraisal of the professional and cultural fit for the opportunity in question.
The close relationship that Directure Consultants develop with the candidates throughout every step of the search process, enables them to address concerns about the job or the practical and personal aspects of transitioning as they arise, minimising possible barriers at the final stage of a search. Our fixed fee approach assures objectivity about the quantitative aspects of the hiring, allowing consultants to advise both parties on the negotiations without any conflict of interest.
Understanding why
Reporting incl. ranking
Reporting is only made on recommendable candidates sourced by Directure. Candidates from inside the client’s organisation who get enrolled in the search process are naturally reported on as well. Candidates are presented in written reports during report meetings with the client with particular emphasis on the extent to which the individual candidate fits the defined Job-/ Demand Profile. A performance prognosis is included as well.

Understanding the direction
Introduction & Business Reviews
Following the decision on employment and close to the actual starting date, the Directure Consultants meet with the Management of the client company for a thorough introduction of the ‘New Hire’ from the perspective of leadership, management, development and communication. A parallel meeting with the ‘New Hire’ can also take place to assist them in preparing for the new opportunity.
Individual business review meetings with the Management, the ‘New Hire’ and the Directure Consultants take place on a consecutive basis - balanced to the priorities of the client.